Warhammer 40K 7th Edition – What Happened to this Game?

Any regular reader will have noticed that since Blood Bowl came out I have said very little about Warhammer 40K. I have still been playing 40K, though less frequently. I just haven't been chatting about it. So, today I figured I'd chat. I also want to preface this by...

Painting Showcase: Human Blitzers for Blood Bowl

While participating in Squaduary, I had started work on the last 2 Blitzers that needed painting. I came close to making my pledge for Squaduary, but I missed the mark by a few more hours of work needed. Well, I got in those last few hours and completed them. So, now...

Titan Bay Thunderhawks vs The Kilgorz – Blood Bowl

Wednesday was the last day of the first Blood Bowl season at my FLGS. I only got in 3 of my 4 season games, but I played a handful of friendlies. Friendlies are games against other teams that you aren't scheduled to play. The idea being that you can get in some more...

Showcase: Blood Bowl Ogre

For those following along, this is the Ogre I had reviewed from Hungry Troll Miniatures, and also have been doing a painting tutorial on. You're all probably getting sick of seeing this model, but the showcase is finally here! I can't say enough how much I really love...

Blood Bowl Ogre Painting Tutorial – The Final Details (Part 3)

Alright, folks, we're on to the last part in this painting tutorial series for the Blood Bowl Ogre. Sit back and grab a relaxing beverage because this one might get a bit lengthy. It's a bit long, but not long enough to justify breaking it into another two parts....