Blood Bowl Ogre Painting Tutorial – Painting the Skin (Part 1)

I've put together a painting tutorial for the Ogre I painted for my Blood Bowl team, the Titan Bay Thunderhawks. It's the Ogre I reviewed recently by Hungry Troll Miniatures. Now, normally I wouldn't do a painting tutorial for something specific, like my Blood Bowl...

Painting Showcase: Blood Bowl Human Catcher

This catcher is the first hire to the starting roster of my Human team. My team has had a bit of a slow start, so I was glad when I had the treasury to finally pick up a catcher. Not a lot to say about the model. He's painted the same as the rest of my team. I am...

Showcase: Titan Bay Thunderhawks Linemen for Blood Bowl

I got the last three Human Linemen painted up the other week for my starting roster, so I figured I'd do a group shot. I have to admit that I like how the team is coming out. I could easily have this team done if I were shooting for the same standard I do with most of...

Titan Bay Thunderhawks (Humans) vs Skaven – Blood Bowl League

We've started the Blood Bowl league at my FLGS, and I got in my first game on Wednesday night for it. The plan is a short league, only 4 games, but we're giving until March 1st to complete them. We figure once the first season is done, we can evaluate from there what...