Showcase: Human Thrower for Blood Bowl

I've had this guy done for a few weeks. I was waiting to figure out my starting roster, which I've since done, and since he's the only Thrower on the starting roster, I may as well post some pictures. Not much to say other than I'm happy with how he came out, and I'm...

The Year in Review for 2016

Well, it's that time where I throw my hat in the ring of blogs doing a year in review. I do enjoy doing these every year, but I realize it's not all that exciting for readers. Hopefully it won't bore you too much :) The Numbers Let's start with the numbers, and...

Blood Bowl Human Team – More Work in Progress

I'm slowly plodding along getting my Human team for Blood Bowl done. I was able to get two more Blitzers off a friend last week, so now all I need is the Ogre and my team will be done as far as collecting goes. Modeling I wanted to change up the Blitzers a little,...

Wargaming Bloggers Showcase #43

A small showcase this time, but hopefully the quality of the articles more than makes up for it :) Wolfsherz: Introducing my hive tyrant Wolfsherz has quickly become a recurring feature, but that's because he does some awesome work on Tyranids. You don't see many...

Blood Bowl: Human Team Starting Roster

In a few weeks we'll start up our first season of Blood Bowl at my FLGS. I'll be using my Human team, and have come up with a starting roster. Titan Bay Thunderhawks Thrower x 2 Blitzer x 4 Catcher x 1 Lineman x 4 Ogre x 1 ------------------------------------...