My Fellow Americans, Breast or Thigh?

Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers. To the rest, happy Thursday?I’m out of town until Sunday, but I do have an article lined up for Saturday morning.Continue reading My Fellow Americans, Breast or Thigh? at Creative Twilight.

Thoughts, Musings, and Ramblings of Thor

With the big annual 40K tournament now behind me, I feel like it’s time to change gears a bit.Leading up to the tournament proved to be fun and aggravating. It’s always fun to play in a big event like this. I get to see people I typically only see for this...

Tournament Recap for the Standish Standoff 2017

Saturday was the 6th Standish Standoff 40K tournament at my FLGS. It was something we (the community) created so that we had a more hobby oriented event. At the time, ‘ard Boyz was around and we all weren’t fans of the Games Workshop sanctioned event...

Hangar 18 Miniatures Photo Backdrop Review

I just recently picked up my first photo backdrop to use in my light box. On the recommendation of Greggles, I went ahead and purchased one from Hangar 18 Miniatures. I had also read a very thorough review by another blogger that sold me on it.WebsiteThe Hangar 18...

The Birth of Ironfate – Chaos Knight Titan Showcase

Deathcry and Hellscream, Grimtech’s Helbrutes, dragged the damaged Imperial Knight from the battlefield. It’s back scrapped against the cold hard ground as each Helbrute towed it behind them by its feet. The head was blown apart during the battle, killing...