AFK for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

I will be out of the country from Wednesday to Sunday (Oct. 19th – 23rd). My awesome wife earned us an all-inclusive trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with her job. So, things will be a bit quiet here for a bit while we enjoy the sun, and a lot of margaritas. I...

Disciples of Twilight vs Necrons – Comic Book Battle Report

Thomas did this awesome comic book style battle report, and since I’ve been itching to try it myself. So, I goofed off and came up with my own.There’s a lot more I could have done with this, but I was learning the software, and working out a process to...

The Secrets of the Blood Ravens – Chaos Battle Report

As we lead up to the Standish Standoff, our “big” local 40K tournament, many of us are preparing and play-testing. The event is 1,750, and of course I will be bringing my Disciples of Twilight – Chaos Space Marines.Honestly, I have felt less than...

Chaos Knight – Closer to Completion

Anyone else find that as they near the end of a project that is just goes on seemingly endlessly? I had seriously thought that after my last update here that the following update would be a showcase, not more WIP. It feels like all my projects are like that, the big...

Wargaming Bloggers Showcase #41

Blah, blah, blah, awesome articles that you need to read, blah, blah, blah ;)High Times on the Eastern Fringe: Bring me the Heart of the Iron Oracle – battle report (comic book style)This battle report by Thomas is easily one of the coolest I’ve ever seen.Thomas...