Showcase: Disciples of Twilight Chaos Bikers – Squad #2

As promised in the showcase with the first squad of Bikers, here’s the second squad.As with the first squad, these guys are just tabletop quality. There’s nothing fancy going on at all with this unit. Well, unless you count that cool lean they got going on...

Dark Angels Are Here for the Fallen – Chaos Battle Report

Lately I’ve been playing around with the Black Legion Warband formation. I won’t detail it, but basically the formation consists of the power armor units. The benefits are rolling twice on the Chaos Boon table, when applicable, and choosing one or both...

Showcase: Disciples of Twilight Chaos Bikers – Squad #1

I finished this squad of Chaos Bikers a very long time ago. The only thing that kept me from taking shots of the unit was that I didn’t have the meltaguns painted yet – they’re magnetized. So, I finally got the meltaguns painted – like a year...

How to Get Your Blog Famous in One Step

Solution: Join the blogroll here!How do you get listed on the blogroll? Leave a comment below. What is a blogroll? Well, the blogroll is the thing to the bottom right, and also located here.Also, the form located here is another way to get listed on the blogroll if...

The Flesh is Weak – Black Legion vs Iron Hands

On Wednesday I played an 1,850 game with my Chaos Space Marines. I’m still tinkering with the Black Legion supplement. I say still, but I didn’t do a battle report last week when I first tried out some stuff.Last week I decided to try two formations: The...