What’s on Thor’s Workbench Lately?

Nothing all that special today. I haven’t been posting much hobby stuff lately, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been hobbying!I have some work on my Chaos Knight to show soon’ish, but not today. I’m trying to reach a good point on the...

What Is It That Makes for a Fluffy Wargamer?

I’ve rolled this idea around for a while now. I want to chat about the fluffy 40K players and the competitive players. The idea started months ago when Von over at House of Paincakes wrote his article “‘Casual’ vs. ‘Competitive’...

Bringing Sexy Back – Wargaming Bloggers Showcase #39

If you’re new here, the Wargaming Bloggers Showcase is where I feature articles by fellow bloggers that I feel deserve your attention. They are great articles, great painting features, that should be read by everyone.Without further ado, here we go.Klatu.org: A...

How to Deal with Fuzzy Primer Problems – Simple Hack

It happens to everyone eventually. Whether you’re new to the hobby, or a veteran, fuzzy primer happens. In my case, I was priming from too far away. When you do that, the primer begins drying before it hits the model, and in turn leaves a fuzzy coat. I know...

Forgefiend Review: So Much Dakka

While things have changed some in 8th edition for the Forgefiend, it's still mostly the same as it was in 7th. If you were a fan of the Forgefiend previously then you'll continue to be in 8th. If you didn't really care for it before then that may have changed. So,...