Waaagh for the Blood God! – Battle Report

This week saw my Khorne Daemonkin get in another game. I kept my list from last week. Despite losing to Tau last week, I thought the list did well. It has some serious hitting power despite being relatively low on models. I was hoping to bring this list to the 40K...

Tau Seek to Enlighten Chaos – 1,650 Battle Report

I’ve jumped back over to my Khorne Daemonkin the past few weeks. After having played Chaos Daemons at a tournament, something urged me to give KDK another shot. I had not played them for about 6 months until last week. I was anxious to see if I could do better...

Chaos Daemons – 40K Tournament Debriefing

I mentioned the other day about running Chaos Daemons for the first time on their own, and taking them to a tournament. Being that it was a whole new experience, I thought it might be worth blogging about. First things first, the list. Chaos Daemons: 1,750 HQ Keeper...

Chaos Daemons – 1,750 Tournament List

Yes, you read that right. Chaos Daemons, not Chaos Space Marines. Long time readers will know my struggle with Chaos Space Marines for longer than I care to admit. I love them, I really do, but that codex… To give myself a break from banging my head against the...

Join the Cult. Err, Blogroll!

If you have a blog, and you’d like to be listed on our blogroll, then you can toss me a comment below, or use this handy form over here. It doesn’t matter what game you play, or the nature of your content. All wargamers, and gamers, are welcomed to join....