Thuloid Speaks: Dead Vikings and Free Goo – Adepticon 2016

What ho! Partakers of Paincakes, rejoice, for Thuloid has returned from vernal venturing to plop again into the Seat of Writing. In truth, it has been better than a fortnight since my triumphant return from Schaumburg*, and though no slave took the aisle seat on...

Thuloid Speaks: Kings of War Hardback Review

Greetings, O House! I return in due season to perorate on the virtues and vices of Mantic Games’ new Kings of War hardbound book. My last post (ages ago, it seems) addressed the basic structure of the rules in broad form, and I have no intentions of doing that...

Thuloid Speaks: The Rats Return – A Kings of War Battle Report

Greetings, O House! It has been too long by far. The presence of the young one has thrown my timing off a bit, but I have regained solid footing and am again poised to grace you with some verbose puffery dressed up as a gaming blog post. The subject of said puffery...