Thuloid Speaks: Cut Loose and Starting Over

These have been tumultuous days in the House of Thuloid, enough that I am glad to seek temporary refuge here where the Cakes are Painful and the only goo being emitted comes from SinSynn. Nothing bad in my domicile apart from the usual feline aggressions, indeed, many...

Thuloid Speaks: Games, Rules and Other People

Greetings again, you who come to this House for a steaming stack of Paincakes. Occasionally I hear it said, or at least implied, that ideas come from one's head. I am no anatomist, but this surely cannot be correct. My head emits goo of several viscosities, colors and...

Thuloid Speaks: Adepticon 2015 – Doing Whatever I Want

The future has, according to its wont, crashed again into the present, propelling us forward into a new day. Spring has come to central Pennsylvania, the busy season at work is over, and Thuloid is free (or compelled? compelled freely? I invite you to ponder the...