Games Day UK 2013 Part One – Overview

Games Day UK 2013 Part One – Overview

Hey guys, just like I did last year I'm splitting my Games Day coverage into 2 parts. This post will cover the general stuff, the tale of my day out, some mainline GW stuff and the Armies on Parade along with plenty of photos. Part 2 will cover all of the Forge World...
Forge World Horus Heresy Book 2 Massacre Announced!

Forge World Horus Heresy Book 2 Massacre Announced!

I'm a few days late with this one, I blame it on the shock of how awesome this looks. Once again I'll be heading to Birmingham in under a month now to gab myself a copy. In the mean time here's some screen grabs from the teaser video to drool over!The book itselfThe...
WIP Wednesday – Eldar Wraithguard

WIP Wednesday – Eldar Wraithguard

I finally got round to doing some proper painting today, not just slapping base colours down, there's been actual shading and highlighting going on!I bought this unit when they were released a few months ago. I've always liked the Wraithguard, and Eldar technically...
White Dwarf (405) – September 2013

White Dwarf (405) – September 2013

Howdy folks, well I didn't quite finish catching up on the issues I'd missed in my blogging hiatus, but they'll be following shortly I hope. This issue feels like it's been a long time coming, it got leaked so early this time so much of this was not a surprise to...
Fantascape Gothic Ruins resin base painting tutorial.

Fantascape Gothic Ruins resin base painting tutorial.

Those of you following my blog or twitter will no doubt have read me banging on and on about Fantascape's resin bases. I think they are great, they're a good price, and the quality is top notch. Delivery is fast, and Roy is a great guy to chat to on Twitter. Anyways,...