Starport Scramble – The Mission

This is the first mission of the mini campaign. It should be easy for anyone to replicate, and the fact that it's a starport can easily be changed to a different type of facility such as a military compound, weapons silos etc.THE ARMIESChoose armies as per normal,...

The Taking of Thrask – Campaign details.

In my previous post I said I'd return with a closer look at the campaign I'll be running, and here I am! It's set on a planet called Thrask, a small world on the outskirts of the Caerphillax sector towards the Eastern Fringe.What I'm hoping is that I can, over time,...

Starting a 2 player campaign – Rules overview

 I've wanted to be part of a campaign for almost as long as I've been playing Warhammer. I don't mind if I'm organising it or simply taking part. The idea of a narrative, and one battle leading to the next is hugely appealing. Unfortunately my gaming group is...

High Elf leaks / Necrons from Forge World

Just a quickie, since I'm heavily blogging at the moment while I'm on holiday.Forge World put out their newsletter, and formally released two of the kits that were previewed at the open day. The Tesseract Ark looks immense, it's a really clever model, and although I...

Tau Empire Codex Review

 It feels like its been due for ages, rumours of the fish folks reworking had been bombarding the forums for what seemed like years. All kinds of wild guesses were thrown in with a few nuggets of truth. In the end what we've got is a beautiful hard back codex...