WW#14 – Finished Scenery. Tau Leak. Indecision.

Monday 11th - Sunday 17th March 2013Finally, a week where some reasonable hobby shit got achieved. I'm still not making as much headway on the backlog as I'd like but I didn't buy anything and actually finished a couple of bits.My focus on scenery continued with me...

WW#13 – Forge World, Scenery, and an actual game.

Monday 4th - Sunday 10th March 2013Back to work this week, but the usual horridness of Monday was made better by the knowledge I'd be going home to play my first game with the Dark Angels. We played the kill points mission at 1500. I took Belial, deathwing, deathwing...

WW#12 – Mancave, Tau Gun Drones, Razarhawk.

Monday 25th February - Sunday 3rd March 2013Yep, it was time for another week of annual leave! I was hoping that I'd be able to squeeze in some hobby time, but knew that most of my days would be taken up with finishing touches to the house.The biggest thing to happen...

White Dwarf (399) – March 2013

This month I'm only a few days late, not bad! Let's see if it continues the winning streak from last month, especially since it contains an army I'm part interested in.Opening Salvo - Jes has toned it down to an appropriate level, and comes across much better for it....

White Dwarf (398) – February 2013

Yep, I'm a whole month late in reviewing this, so I'll try to keep it brief as I imagine that if you wanted to know about what's inside you will have found out by now!Opening Salvo - Jes is up to his old tricks again, going to great lengths to tell us how great the...