Warllama Weekly Issue 7

31st December - 6th January 2013This week has been a good week, just in general but not for hobby progress. It started out with a very busy Monday in work then a deathly quiet new years day in store. Fortunately Anna and I had decided to stay in on NYE and watch some...

2012 in review / Looking to 2013

Another year down and blimey it's been an action-packed one on reflection! I haven't really managed to paint a huge quantity of models but I feel that the quality of what I have completed has improved on the previous year. Here's a quick look at some of my...

Warllama Weekly Issue 6

17th - 30th December 2012Yes there will be the photos of the leaked White Dwarf Dark Angels a bit later on in this post, I'm sure everyone has seen them by now so they can be left until last. To kick things off I thought I'd update you on how the competition to hit...

Warllama Weekly Issue 5

Monday 10th - Sunday 16th December 2012Let's start off with the big news first, I've actually finished painting a whole miniature! As I think I mentioned in last weeks update I was experimenting with layering rather than just basecoat-wash-edge highlight and I'm quite...

Warllama Weekly Issue 4

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th December 2012Well there's more hobby progress this week than there was last time, although nothing groundbreaking so please don't get your hopes up. We'll kick off with what you've all been waiting for, the Christmas tree!Onto the 40k now and...