Beginnings of a Burger Quest!

As well as being a hobby blog I've wanted to write about my love of food for a long time now, specifically my love of the humble burger. This is a quest that I have been on for a couple of years now, the hunt for my perfect burger. A few have come close so far, but...

The State of my Armies – Mechanicum Edition

This is a fairly recent army, I only started it at Warhammer Fest last year, and it's grown rather quickly, but has also been painted quite quickly too! I think it's my only army where everything has at least one colour on it! It's also the most completed with exactly...

The State of my Armies – Grey Knight Edition

I started my Grey Knights army when they were revamped for 5th edition. At the time I wasn't aware of how powerful they were, I just loved the sculpts, and the new Dreadknight.As I knew it was going to be quite a small army I took my time to do a high quality job on...

All Your Base Are Belong To Us.

To my knowledge it started in the recent Stormclaw box set, with a regular power armour marine being put onto a 40mm Terminator base, and the Broodlord thing going on a completely new oval base.This was followed up with the Blood Angels tactical squad coming out with...

The State of my Armies – Eldar Edition.

Well, the title of this post is a little deceiving. It's not actually an army, those in the know will recognise this as a small allied contingent! The Eldar were my first ever army, before I traded them away for a Genestealer Cult army, and the Wraithguard models have...