White Dwarf – December 2012

This is going to be the first time for me that the new look mag gets put to the test. So far the previous two have had 40k releases that I've been really stoked about so my excitement could've (not saying it actually did) cloud my judgement. This issue is all about...

Vintage White Dwarf 193. January 1996.

This issue is a truly amazing eBay find. Not only is it from my favourite era it is possibly my favourite issue! To top it all off the auction finished this morning at around 11 for £1.50 and I had it in my hand by half one the same day as the lovely chap Iain was...

Warllama Weekly Issue 3

Monday 26th - Sunday 2nd November/December 2012.Yet again I've got nothing major to report. By blogging regularly I'd have thought I would be making sure I had something to talk about each week but it turns out that I lack more focus than very blurry thing.That's not...

Warllama Weekly Issue 2

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November 2012As I said last week I had the week off and I spent 4 of those days back at my parents house over in England with my girlfriend so there wasn't any hobbying done. Although while there I did try and visit a couple of GW stores to...

Weekly Warllama 1

This was an idea I trialed at the beginning of the year to improve on the regularity of my blogging. It worked for a while but then I decided I didn't want one post to contain lots of independent things so I stopped. Needless to say the post output this year has been...