White Dwarf – November 2012

This is the second issue in the new style so it's time to see if the gang can keep up the great work they started last month. The issue comes with the annual gift guide and also a tiny pamphlet with rules for a couple of new units for fantasy chaos armies, yay for new...

Jumping on the #ForgeWorldOnly bandwagon!

Building a whole army out of Forge World you say? My ears totally pricked up when I heard that on Twitter a week or so ago. I won't go into details about how it started, you can find that out by searching #ForgeWorldOnly or visiting these blogs here and here.At the...

Deliverance Lost

This book has taken me about 2 months to finish. I got about a third of the way through and felt like I didn't want to go on. Now this is in no way Gav's fault, it is a problem with the subject matter.Once again the Horus Heresy series returns to the drop site...

Miniature Monday – Necron Doom Scythe

This was actually finished a number of weeks ago but I never got around to posting any decent photos of it, until now!It's an amazing kit, a real treat to put together and very easy, if not time-consuming, to paint. Added to that it will fuck you up on the table if...

100 Follower Painted Character Prize Giveaway!

This is a competition that I announced last month when Warllama reached it's first Birthday but I thought it warranted it's own special post, and as coincidence would have it this is my 100th post!To celebrate these two milestones I'm launching a giveaway. There's no...