Podcast Review #2 – Bad Dice Daily

Just a quick one this time, which is appropriate! The Bad Dice Daily (or Bitesize Ben Curry as I think of it) is a spin off from the main Bad Dice podcast with Ben flying solo.The format is around the 10-20 minute mark covering a different topic each day mostly...

Vintage White Dwarf 200. August 1996.

It's been long overdue but I'm finally getting around to reviewing this issue! It's been sitting on my bedside table for a few months but time always seems to be against me. That and my knack for extreme procrastinating. The front cover proudly boasts that it's the...

Games Day 2012 Part Three – What I did and saw

My expectations were high for this year. After last years mediocre showing and the insane queues for the retail stands GW had to have made changes... Here's last year's write up if you're interested.I got to the LG arena nice and early. From Cardiff it's a few hours...

Games Day 2012 Part Two – Armies on Parade

In the second instalment of my trip to the Birmingham NEC I thought we'd take a look at some of the Armies that were on Parade. This was a crowded section of the halls and inbetween being jostled and a background of gamer-funk I managed to take a few blurry shots of...

The Warmongers Miniswap part two

Hopefully some of you dear readers will have heard about the #miniswap concept on Twitter. My previous post explains the concept so head over here for the run down.In that previous post I showed the miniature that I painted for James and now it's finally time to show...