Miniature Monday – Space Marine Bikes

These are my most recently finished miniatures, a pair of bikes that my brother bought me for my birthday at the start of the year.These are the first Ultramarines I've painted using the new GW range and also the first time I haven't drybrushed the highlights onto a...

Games Day 2012 Part One – Forge World

Because there's so much to cover about what I did and saw yesterday I'm going to split it into 3 parts. This post is going to cover the Forge World seminar and what they had on display in the studio area. The second part will be coverage of the Armies on Parade, and...

White Dwarf 394. October 2012.

Hello and welcome to the new White Dwarf. Before we begin let's get this out of the way, i fucking love it!Now I've had a moment to compose myself let's start with the changes. Andrew Kenrick is still on board but is now deputy and Jes Bickham is at the helm. From...

Warllama is 1!

So my humble blog has reached the huge milestone of 365 days! Sometimes it feels like I've been doing this for ages, but at the same time the past year has flown by. I thought I'd take the time to have a look back at everything I'd written about and what has been...

Forge World Horus Heresy – Book 1 Betrayal.

Leading up to today we'd seen a few snippets and teaser trailers but with just over a week to go until Games Day they hit us with this amazing video featuring Alan Bligh chatting about this incredible work. So here's the video and then all the important stills from...