Forge World Mechanicum Krios Tank

This was my second finished model in one month, I'm on a bit of a roll with my Mechanicum force. In game I'm using this as a second Venator, but I fancied owning both models, just for variety. I think that's enough tanks for now, I'll be going back to finishing up my...

Forge World Mechanicum Krios Venator

I finished this tank towards the middle of January, and it's been on the battlefield twice since then. The strength nine plasma fusil is turning out to be an absolute killer, and it was a really fun and easy kit to put together.I tried out a little bit of weathering...

The State of my Armies – Necron Edition

Following on from last weeks post, here's a quick look at how my Necron army is shaping up. To be fair it's probably my most complete army, with only a few units unbuilt, and a handful of models needing to be finished.The trouble I have with actually getting this army...

Tactical Objectives – Initial Thoughts

I guess some of you might be thinking "but Tim, why are you only just talking about this? 7th edition has been out for ages!" and you'd be right. But me and my mate Dean have pretty much only played Horus Heresy for the past two years straight, so we've just been...

The State of my Armies – Deathwing Edition

When the Dark Angels got their 6th edition codex, and an appearance in the starter box, I went a bit crazy and got a few boxes of the new releases. I ended up with a tactical squad, the start of a Ravenwing force, and also a Deathwing force. I painted a couple of...