Happy Belated New Year!

So it's better late than never, and technically it's still January so it's all good.Those of you who are followers of the blog will have seen this kind of post before, where I say I'm going to have a really productive year, paint loads of models and post the...
Mechanicum Tech Thralls of the Adsecularis Covenant

Mechanicum Tech Thralls of the Adsecularis Covenant

These were a bit of a rash purchase! I think they're crazy overpriced, especially when you compare them to the new Solar Auxilia unit, but they're such lovely looking models I just couldn't resist.I went for the Las-lock option rather than the Mitralocks because of...
Warhammer Fest 2014 – Long post with loads of photos!

Warhammer Fest 2014 – Long post with loads of photos!

Last Sunday saw the very first Warhammer Fest take place. It's the replacement for Games Day, which always seemed to receive a lot of stick, some rightly so, some not so much. I've always enjoyed the day out, heading off somewhere to go and look at some really geeky...