1000 Point Mechanicum Heresy Army List

So here's the army list of what I went and bulk purchased in one go! I didn't have a clue as to the total points until I got it home, and it turns out I've got a quite nice chunk in the bag already.HQ-Magos Dominus on Abeyant, armed with a Rad Cleanser and Volkite...
Heresy Ultramarines Paint Scheme Dilemma

Heresy Ultramarines Paint Scheme Dilemma

I've always painted my Ultramarines in a dark blue. In the current GW paint range I'd use Kantor Blue. This never turned out too dark on my 40k army.I haven't done an awful lot of work on my 30k army, but I have basecoated a lot of it in the Kantor colour. Before the...
Mechanicum Castellax Class Battle-Automata

Mechanicum Castellax Class Battle-Automata

I'm on a roll at the moment, and am really hoping I don't reach burn out by the time I get the whole army painted! The Castellax is the bigger brother to the Thallax and so I already had my method sorted in my head and actually managed to get him finished in the space...
Mechanicum Miniature Monday – Thallax Cohort

Mechanicum Miniature Monday – Thallax Cohort

Last weekend was the very first Warhammer Fest, and Forgeworld had a number of pre-release items on offer. I was very tempted to go for the beautiful Solar Auxilia section, but in a moment of madness I went for a small allied contingent of Mechanicum instead.These...

Back once again…

Well it's time to get my arse in gear and actually do some blogging. Those of you who read my last post about returning to writing will be wondering what happened (maybe). Essentially we actually had quite a nice summer here so most of it was spent out in the sun...