Miniature Monday – Termagants!

Miniature Monday – Termagants!

Hey everyone, so it's been a very long absence from blogging. This wasn't intentional, life just got massively in the way and I've had to move house and deal with a dislocated knee. But I have managed to find the time for some hobby in the middle of all the...
Forgeworld Open Day 2014

Forgeworld Open Day 2014

Another year and another insanely early morning, not helped by the clocks going forward, how rude!So we set off at about 6, stopped for a McD breakfast and got to Lenton for about half 9. We were about a 1/3 of the way to the front in the queue which wasn't too bad....
White Dwarf Weekly Issue 4 Review.

White Dwarf Weekly Issue 4 Review.

As I mentioned at the end of my last WDW review this issue was going to be a bad boy, featuring the new Imperial Knights. These were leaked early, and the hype and excitement has been huge. Let's see if the official release can carry on the enthusiasm...New Releases -...
WIP Wednesday – 2nd Assault marine built! (C.A.B.U!)

WIP Wednesday – 2nd Assault marine built! (C.A.B.U!)

Hey guys, this is a glimpse at the latest addition to my Ultramarines assault squad. There's a few bits I'm not too sure about, like the shield on his shoulder looks a bit big, but thought it fit with the lore I've come up with for him so far.What I'm thinking at the...
Termagant test paint scheme for Charging Carnifex

Termagant test paint scheme for Charging Carnifex

The other week now my friend put up a blog post about his proposed paint scheme for his Tyranids. You can find it here. I thought it looked really cool, and the sources that inspired him were great. So I thought, why don't I have a go at doing a variation on his...