by Tim Walker | Feb 16, 2014
Issue 3 has finally arrived, and it seems that I'm getting adjusted to the new release schedule, popping into GW Cardiff before work on a Saturday. I resisted picking up any of the new releases as I know what's coming in a couple of weeks, although I really should get...
by Tim Walker | Feb 8, 2014
While I was in GW Cardiff today picking up White Dwarf Weekly I took the opportunity to grab this fella. He's a super cool model, and the Oath Stone is amazing. I might not use him as the special character but just as a lord or something. Anyways, here's the unboxing...
by Tim Walker | Feb 8, 2014
Another week and another brand new issue of WD. As expected it continues with the Dwarf release and follows the layout of the previous one quite closely. Let's take a look inside...We start off with the new releases as always, and a seriously exciting bit of...
by Tim Walker | Feb 4, 2014
So you should all know about the format of this new monthly publication from GW. I won't repeat the stats and size and stuff like that, what I'm interested in is the content and if it has any worth. This might take a while as it's quite a thick magazine and has 28...
by Tim Walker | Feb 3, 2014
Doubtless you've all seen plenty of opinions on the two new publications from Games Workshop. I'm sure I'll be voicing a few of my own over the course of these two posts, along with many many questions. I won't really touch on the format, and number of pages except to...