Creating a better Ultramarine. Part 1. Introduction.

Creating a better Ultramarine. Part 1. Introduction.

Everyone has an opinion on Ultramarines. Many people hate them, we've all heard the usually names... ultrasmurfs, poster boys etc. I'll admit that back when me and my brother started playing in second edition I went for a Genestealer cult army, and he went for the...
Battle Report – Necrons v Grey Knights

Battle Report – Necrons v Grey Knights

Today my mate Ben came over for a quick 750 point game of 40k. He was bringing his Grey Knights, and was trying out the list he's going to use in a doubles game tomorrow. Since I'm currently trying to finish all the painting on my Necron army I thought I'd give them a...

Farsight Enclave Supplement for the Tau Empire Codex

Following hot on the heels of the Iyanden review I took a look at the far more recent Farsight supplement. I'd been waiting for this book for what felt like months, I'm still not prepared to splash out on a digital book when a physical copy could be in my librarium...

Iyanden Supplement for the Eldar 5th ed codex

I've had this supplement floating around for a while now, and occasionally dip into it for a quick read, but hadn't really read it, so thought I'd better get on the case and put together a brief overview of it.It's a great book, and does exactly what it says on the...
Games Day UK 2013 Part Two – Forge World

Games Day UK 2013 Part Two – Forge World

Welcome to part 2 of my Games Day coverage. Once again Forge World really showed mainline GW up with the amount of cool previews they had on show. There's going to be a huge amount of photos I took on the day along with snippets of information I got from the seminar....