How Warmachine Models SHOULD Look! GR’s Conversions!

TJ here to talk about some Warmahordes Conversions I found in my travels. You probably have noticed, I don't cover much Warmachine and people who have known me for a long time know a part of that is the simple fact that I just do not like their models in general. They...

Glottkin Lamprey Maulerfiend Conversion Painted!

TJ here with another insane conversion monster painted and ready for battle. Today I am showing off the panther (or lamprey) Maulerfiend conversion I made from the Glottkin arms. Let's take a look:This conversion was insanely fun and despite a little nervousness on my...

DIY Dreadclaw from a Drop Pod Conversion Tutorial Revisited!

TJ AKA Old School Terminator (I love dropping names I haven't used since 2012) here to talk about converting Dreadclaws for your Chaos or you 30k army using just a single drop pod kit (technically less than the whole kit). I really dig the fact that using units...