by TJ Atwell | Feb 26, 2015
TJ here to update the Maulerfiend/ Spiked Beast conversion. A little more Green Stuff work went into the project last night and boy am I happy to be working with green stuff again! Let's take a look at the latest additions:In the photo above, you can see that I added...
by TJ Atwell | Feb 23, 2015
TJ here to just share a moment of supreme crossover from CoolMiniorNot. I have a feeling this artist is just getting started on crossovers like this! I hope so anyway!The photo above is featured at the top of CMoN's Top 10 right now and for good reason. I...
by TJ Atwell | Feb 22, 2015
TJ here with an update as well as a little tip on making bits that fit from bits that ... well, just don't. Let's not waste time here ... General Green Stuff coverage continues as I build the "skin" to conform with the plastic GW parts of the model. And then there is...
by TJ Atwell | Feb 20, 2015
TJ here to discuss my progress with the Glottkin mauler fiend/ Spined Chaos Beast. Last time we looked at the basics and to be fair, it isn't far from where we left off, but I am excited to pick the tools up again and get to work. So there is a ton of work to do...
by TJ Atwell | Feb 11, 2015
TJ here and while I wanted to bury the subject of the last couple of posts forever, I am compelled to talk about it one last time. Rather than rehash misfortunes though, I want to speak to the spirit of generosity and community I have experienced in the last few days...