Out with the Old, In with the New: Models for sale!

TJ here and with the loss of some of my models due to thieves, I am selling off some old models that haven't seen the table in a while so I can buy more models to fit my current army themes and to make room for new ideas since some of my old ideas no longer have...

Getting Robbed: Theives Steal More Than Just Your Models!

That's right: Theft! TJ here to briefly discuss an issue I had over the weekend. Obviously, given the headline, there was a theft and while I will keep things general as there will be legal ramifications behind it, I feel compelled to talk about it because I have seen...

Glottkin Conversions: Plague Panther Part 1

TJ here to talk about my first Glottkin conversion peice. Basically, I am turning his arms into an entirely different (40k) model. Let's take a look at the mock up so far, which I call the Panther to fit my history of zoo themed project names. So when I got a hold of...

Chaos Biker/ Steed Sorcerer/ Lord: Back in the Saddle

TJ here to show off a model and talk about hopping back in the saddle. What better way to talk about the saddle than with a Chaos Lord or Sorc literally in the saddle of his counts-as bike/ steed?  SO I took quite a long holiday break and got into some side...