Gerantius, rules and thoughts on the new Imperial Knight

Gerantius, rules and thoughts on the new Imperial Knight

TJ here to talk about Gerantius, the forgotten knight which is a WD exclusive. He is a character from the knights book that now has rules of hisnown and they are pretty awesome:So he has a standard Knight Paladin statline with an addition +1 to his Bs and Ws. He can...
Formations in 40k: The Best or the Worst?

Formations in 40k: The Best or the Worst?

TJ here to talk about Formations in our 40k. Formations were a hot topic when they first came out and caused quite a stir. Since then, many more formations have been released and an entirely new edition came out that made room for them ... but does everyone agree that...
First Look at WAAAAGH Ghazghkull from FTGT!

First Look at WAAAAGH Ghazghkull from FTGT!

TJ here to help spread the news of my favorite Ork character, Ghazghkull Thraka! and his new supplement. DFG Network Member, Evan S., of Facing the Grey Tide has all the news with some of my favorite tidbits below:SO Facing the Grey Tide (link at the bottom of this...