Tanks for the Memories: Our Favorite Tank Projects!

Tanks for the Memories: Our Favorite Tank Projects!

TJ here to give you something a little extra to help you digest after the days festivities; a little show of some of the tank projects Chris Vinton and I have made and really enjoyed over the years here at DFG.Salamanders Land Raider built by Chris Vinton and painted...
Thank You to Our Community and Friends

Thank You to Our Community and Friends

TJ here to talk about what we here at DFG are thankful for. While Thanksgiving is an American holiday, I think the sentiment behind it can be appreciated far and wide. What I mean is taking a minute to think about the things we are thankful for. While I don't always...
Should Deployment Get Its Own Isolated Time at Tournaments?

Should Deployment Get Its Own Isolated Time at Tournaments?

I attended an 1850 tournament recntly with only 2 hour rounds, but also allowed the players 30 minutes for both of them to deploy ... this seems like a really long time to deploy and a really short game, right? Well, not really. Let's take a look at how it went: Oddly...
TJ’s Necron/ Chaos Allies at $250 Tourney Batrep Round 2!

TJ’s Necron/ Chaos Allies at $250 Tourney Batrep Round 2!

TJ here with part two of the Blue Ox tourney I attended recently with my Necrons/ CSM army. For Part 1 to this report and a look at my list, check out this link, otherwise, continue here for part two and a peak at an amazing army.My next game would pit me against...