Guest Post: Play it right: Grenades in 6th Edition

Guest Post: Play it right: Grenades in 6th Edition

Play it right: Grenades in 6th edition.TJ here with a guest post from a blog we really like called 40k War Zone, a member of the 40k blogrolls, an excellent source of news, rumors, tactics, discussion and entertaining rules posts like the one below that made both...
Kromlech Bionic bits for Iron Hands and Iron Warriors

Kromlech Bionic bits for Iron Hands and Iron Warriors

TJ here to show off some bits I bought from Kromlech that I think could be useful for the Iron Hands and (for me) the Iron Warriors. These bionic bits are very well detailed, pretty inexpensive and will draw attention to your army!So when you order, you get two of...
Breaking the Established Norms, Your Take!

Breaking the Established Norms, Your Take!

TJ here to talk about how we build and paint our armies to either fit the established background of our games or how we break with those traditions and why. For myself, I have always ridden the fence on the subject because I am an avid fan of the Black Library and to...