Round Three Results of local RTT, Better Summary of Event

TJ here and with the tourney over, I figured I would do the due diligence of actually giving you some details. Eriochrome pointed out that despite my gaming and hobby skills not being so rusty, three months away have rusted up my blog-fu a little. The tourney was a...

Round Two, Salamanders go down

Much like the title says, I ended up playing a less experienced  player, running salamanders. He had very little to deal with the volume of fire I had or the stickier elements like wraiths, so it was a bad match up for him and I did my best to help coach him for...

Round 1 Results

  Played my first game against Tau, which was a "cross the table and tie" mission. I won on objectives by killing all his scoring and holding mine down with zombies. I will say that long strider did jack up all my troops that tried to land in his zone, but...

Tournament Today! All day result posting

So I haven't played 40k since the last tourney I played in back in April where Chris Vinton and I tied for first at a local tourney. I am going to throw myself up against the wall today by going to a tourney, so I will try to post between rounds here today and throw...