Gorilla Daemon Prince Finished, Fully Painted!!

Tj here to show off the fully painted Gorilla Daemon Prince that I have been working on. Since he is basically a giant flying ape, I will call him Bananas! Bananas was a hell of a lot of fun to paint and I want to show off some pics, talk a little about the paint job...

Perfect Death Guard Terminator Leg Alternatives from Kromlech

In the past, we have seen some great stuff from Kromlech including a set of legs that would be great for Plague Marines. Today, I am helping get the word out and adding to my Building a Better Chaos Marine series with these legs.These legs here can be found on...

Gorilla Daemon Prince: Flying Monkey Monster!

TJ here continuing with the Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon model we discussed recently. I have done a considerable amount of green stuff work to smooth everything into place and I am now ready to show it off to you before it gets some paint on it. Let's take a...

The Gorilla: Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon Conversion WIP!

As many of you already know, I like to make big monsters. The latest conversion project on my desk is no exception. I call this guy the Gorilla (mostly due to the pose and anatomy) and he is a conversion of the Helbrute and Mauler Fiend kits with some extras thrown in...

New 40k FAQ Breakdown!

TJ here with a quick run down of the new 40k FAQs that came out today. I have a quick breakdown below for those who cannot access the FAQs for now, like people at work:Big Rule Book:* For the Big Rule Book, I'm not going to talk about changes that are/ should be...