Adepticon Photos from our Friends!

TJ here with some great photos from Adepticon. Even though military commitments kept me from my favorite event, some of our friends in the Dark Future Games Facebook group posted some pics of the incredible stuff on site. First we will look at the gorgeous Crystal...

Conversion Showcase: Hail Typhus, Zombie Overlord!

TJ here to show off my latest work on my Chaos Marines. With the Zombies done and posted earlier this week, I decided to get my Typhus conversion painted and ready to go. Now, this is the version of Typhus that I converted specifically for games that I run my Necron...

A Wave of Zombies is Approaching!

TJ here with a huge wave of Mantic Zombies I am using in my Chaos army and when I run my Chaos and Necron allies for recent tournaments. These Mantic Zombies really lend themselves to being painted well and I really like the way the came . I also have a few with GW...

Perturabo Fully Painted and Ready for War!

Not long ago I asked what people thought my next project would be. Keeping in step with the unsubtle nature of the Iron Warriors, I have decided to announce my return to the IV Legion with the posting of their gene-father, the Lord of Iron, Perturabo. The model I...