Test of Khaine Adepticon Primer Announcement

I want to take the opportunity this afternoon to help get the word out about the Test of Khaine, an annual tournament held at Evolution Games in Lansing, MI by my friend and fellow club member, SeerK AKA Josh as we know him. This year he is running the event as an...

Iron Man Themed Tau: Spec Ops Cadre

TJ here with another update from the Iron Man Themed Tau Commission. Today we are looking at what I have dubbed "The Spec Op Cadre" which, as always are featured on my terrible range-top (for info on how to donate a better stove to me, use the "Contact Us" tab, haha)....

It Came from the GT!? Incredible Thousand Sons Cavalry!

One of the things I wanted to do when I went to the GT at Dropzone Games (and well any event I go to), was to cover some of the great, painted armies that people brought to the event. There were several great armies on hand (and the Best Painted will get a post of its...