Alpha Legion Cultists: First Batch

TJ here with some Alpha Legion Cultists. I assembled these guys three days before a GT, so I didn't get to convert them, so I am using paint to make them just different enough. Fortunatley, AL gives you a selection of color to use to make models a little more...

Alpha Legion Obliterator Conversions from Primaris Aggressors!

TJ here with some Alpha Legion Primari ... um I mean Obliterators! In all seriousness, I love the idea of ALpha Legion getting their hands on Primaris Gene Seed and corrupting it! These Aggressor models make great oblits with some slight modifications. Let's see what...

Skarbarand with Black Flesh finished Helloween 2017!

TJ here to wrap up Helloween 2017 with Skarbarand, the angriest Bloodthirster of them all! I tried out a new skin technique with this model, who was a fun challenge to paint with so many different textures and shapes! Let's take a look.The skin was my real challenge....