Tzeentch Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon Conversion WIP Part 2

Hey guys, picking up where I left off last week, I have made some serious progress on the model I want to stand in as a Tzeentch Daemon Prince or Greater Daemon in my games. This guy is coming along pretty well, so let's take a look at what went into him so...

Unification Wars GT: My List and Generalized Performance

So, if you have been following my activities lately, you will know that I attended Dropzone Games' first GT, the Unification Wars, which was a 1999 point event running a mix of book and non-standard missions. The missions were multi-tiered and allowed for more...

Dropzone Games Unification Wars GT Day 1

Well, I brought the crons out today and went 2-1 against some great opponents! We played without the new daemon book today, but it didn't get me down. I win against grey knights, lost to CSM with Guard and won against a Typhus, flamer screamer daemon list. Here is a...

A Twist on Typhus Part II

Following up on the little Typhus conversion I came up with, I wanted to follow up with some of the GS work. This was a quick, but pleseant little job and I really am excited to get this model on the board. This will be a quick and easy little walk-through.Green stuff...

Fixing Finecast Necron HQs with Plastic Parts

It's no secret that Fine Cast has some issues and when it comes to tiny, thin or otherwise fiddly bits, the issues really come to light. In this case, I am talking about Necron weapons on their HQ models. Here is the Traveler (left) and Nemesor Zahn (or Nemesauce as I...