Wargamers: How do you blog from your phone?

So, you guys know I am back now, but I am struggling to find an app that is easy to use for Blogger on my iPhone. I absolutely cannot make posts from the web version of the Blogger dash (all the photo menus and stuff are infuriating. I have tried a couple of apps, but...

Choosing a color scheme for my Bloodbound

 TJ here and I want to discuss possible color schemes for my Khorne Bloodbound army for Age of Sigmar. Initially, I wanted to lean away from things I have done before and I also actually don't enjoy the typical Khorne all-red-and-brass scheme. The first scheme...

Fateweaver and new Changeling spotted!

TJ here to talk about some photos going around the internet right now. Of course I am back to my Chaos ways (though I am back mostly as an Age of Sigmar player now! I saw the Lord of Change last week and got excited. I already knew the kit had Fateweaver in it, but I...