A Warlord Titan Worthy of the Emperor!

TJ here because when I see something truly incredible, I have to share. Today I want to introduce you to a Warlord Titan with a paint job worthy of the God Machine. This bad boy has dozens of freehand paintings on it and a Baneblade on the base. Better yet, he goes...

Soul Grinders, Land Raiders and Daemon Princes for Sale

TJ here again with some more shameless fundraising! This time I have two Sould Grinders, A potential Daemon Prince conversion and two land raiders up for grabs.So take a look at the pics. There are some parts missing, but you have legs, chassis and bodies to work...

Rare Mechanicus SKULLZ models up for grabs!

TJ here to shamelessly plug my own fundraising efforts again with an rare, metal Adeptus Mechanicus lot. This is the mythic SKULLZ group of adepts and tech priests that was available years ago to select folks.Here is a closer look. These models are truly amazing and...