Astronomi-Con Approches!

For any who have ready my blog across the long term, you will now that one of my favorite events in any calendar year is the Astronomi-Con Tournament Series. This is a set of tournaments that  has hosted events in several north american cities for many years now...

AWESOME New Primers (by AK Interactive – Go figure)

Hey folks - Here we go again.  Life has stabilized a bit, my family has moved in with my parents until my new house is ready and we have found some consistency and routine and things are starting to feel normalish again. With that I have decided I am...

Anomaly Battle Report: 18 points Rahn vs Baldur

Hey folks. Started into Anomaly with a mostly new faction - Retribution. The club members chose this one for me as it is the faction that I had the least understanding of and a limited choice of. They felt this would give them the most advantages and opportunities for...

With a little help from… Kirill Zhilkov!

Back to the beasts! This weeks helping hand comes from the incomparable Kirill Zhilkov. We met through the Golden Demon Lounge organized by myself and a few others for Games Day events a couple of years ago. Kirill is a great guy, really awesome to talk to and has a...