With a little help from… Todd Swanson!

Part 3 of "With a little help from my friends".So I have started the painting process on the first of the beasts sent to me by friends (PPC and Mike Butcher) and will post write ups on how that goes very soon. In the meantime I have the honor of unveiling what has...
Menoth Battlegroup painted and ready to go!

Menoth Battlegroup painted and ready to go!

Hey folks - I know I was supposed to update the Beastmen build/paint this week but my post is not ready. Next week I will make up for it by not only showing an update on the painting of my first pieces from PPC and Mike Butcher, but I will have multi-Slayer sword...

A "Nightmare"-ish couple weeks of painting….

So first of all - thanks to all who have tuned in acrosss the last couple weeks to see my new project with my friends get launched and take flight. There have been 5500+ views since Part 1 was published and with lots more to come I can only aticipate this picking...

Days late and a dollar short….

Trying to explain the size and detail in mini painting? show the uninformed this picture. 'nuff said.Hey folks - 2 days behind on this post but with good reason - been doing a cornucopia of painting but need to gather a few more photos - so i have bumped the post I...