500 Point Army List: Dark Angels

The thing about iBooks is that it’s like a midnight launch except you don’t have to leave the house. Having read the book I’m now starting to think about a 500point force to start off an army with. I want it to be fluffy so that means lots of plasma....

500 point Army Lists: Orks

I’ve not actually played 40k since September. Amazing but true, it’s just there have been other games to play instead (X-Wing being a big culprit) Now that my desk is laden down with all of the Marine bits I’ve found in boxes and I’m ready to...

Dark Angels iBook available for pre-order

Just a quick note to say that the Dark Angels Codex is up for pre-order on iTunes. It’s listed for launch on (un-surprisingly enough) Saturday. You can (pre)grab it here.

The Return of the Dark Angels

Marines are boring. Ultramarines have a dumb name and look like smurfs. Space Wolves have dumb hair. Blood Angels have this blood fetish and, well, you get the idea. The one chapter I’ve always liked are the Dark Angels. They have a slight problem you see; a...

I’m back

The first rule of the Internet is to always backup your stuff. The second rule of the Internet is that the first rule isn’t optional. The third rule of the Internet is that when your host kills your site without warning, won’t tell you why and refuses to...