Quick Drop

 Yesterday I got a lot of work done on the drop pod which is nice .. Still not a favorite of mine.. Well it's an awesome looking model when done and as per a conversation last night on the Hobby Hangout it is a staple of the Marines.. Some of the enamels are...

To the skies!

 A bit more done on Corax.. He's almost 100%.. I just have a few more details and he'll be all done up. I could go farther but I don't have that time .. if I was going for the pure painting comp I'd be spending a ton more time on him but I think he looks...

Master of Ravens

 I got some work done on Corax this weekend... a little less progress then I'd like but some pretty solid work done. He's getting close to being done. I'm on to the final details now and working my way through areas touching them up. The metal areas are...


 I've been hitting the table here and there where I could and I think I have the Fellblade pretty much done. I keep going back and forth and whether I should add a dark filter to bring down some of the streaking. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I feel it might...

Nova 2 Month Countdown

Normally I'd take a pic of everything done for the countdown but sadly I don't have the time today. Work is pretty busy and I'm getting ready to finally go in for surgery. So I'll be out of the mix for at least a week. But I did get some progress done on the...