Super Heavy Metals..

 This weekend I got some solid work in on the Fellblade. I figured the weathering on this beast was going to take some time and that is an understatement haha.. The tracks got a heavy treatment and they are close to being done, I'll be going back and wiping away...

Reinforcements have arrived..

Wow... it took longer then I was expecting but I got the rest of the Tactical and the Vets done..  Painting 20 dudes in batch was a lot .. so that brings us up to 20 Tactical and 10 Vets finished up. The first squad all wrapped up. For the time it took and...

The rumble of thunder..

I got some work done on the Fellblade ... I got a lot of chipping done on the main body and a little on the turret. I think it's a good start but it won't really start coming together until I add the grim and other streaking. I went with more of a metal base for the...

To the front..

 The Deimos is done .. This weekend I had some time and I wanted to finish this tank up. I added some oil streaking, using white, raw umber and blue to add some add coloring to it. I think it added some added interest to the tank.. some of the area were...

Boots on ground…

 I finished up the first Tactical Squad which feels pretty good as I only have 10 more guys I HAVE to have done and 10 more I'd like to get done. I think they came out looking pretty solid and blend right in with rest of the force. I didn't realize it when I...