Bigger is better

 Well...  Last post I said the Fellblade was a maybe but as soon as I opened the box there was no way I wasn't going to build it haha.. it's not an easy build for sure. I spent the weekend cleaning, soaking, warping, sanding, clipping, and gluing. The...

NOVA Open 3 month countdown

 So it's basically 3 months till Nova and I'm trying to get all my ducks or in this case Raven Guard Space Marines in a row. Last year I took a very chill approach to Nova only working on stuff I wanted to put in the painting comp. This year I stupidly went the...

Drive it like you stole it..

 Hey hey .. I made a good bit of progress on the first RG Rhino.. I just finished up the first bit of grime. I'll be going back and adding the details and some highlight areas before adding the final bit of weathering but I should be able to wrap that up tonight...

Beware what you seek..

 This week I got in some time at the table and finished up my Seeker Squad. Time is counting down quickly to Nova and I still have a bunch to finish. I'll have it done one way or the other haha but it would be nice to have it done with some time. The time frame...

Form Up..

 Hey hey .. I got some more work done on the Storm Eagle getting it pretty close to being done. I've been sick and/or busy for the last month or so .. so I'm actually happy to get some progress done. Though .. now Nova is only 4 months away and I still have a...