Mor is Better..

 This weekend I got seven dudes complete.. well almost. I don't know if it's just the way the camera took the pics but some of the blue glow doesn't look right. But when looking at them in person they seemed fine. Maybe I'll go over them again with a couple of...


 Hey all..  It's been a rough couple of weeks so I haven't really been able to get to the painting table much. Illness and moving rooms around in the house and painting rooms has tired me out so I've been chilling when i can and worked on a few more pieces...

So many Marines..

 This week I've been trying to get my list figured out and then build up the infantry I need. So right now on the table is 5 Mor Deythan, 5 man Seeker Squad, 20 Tac and 10 Vets. It's a ton of marines to work through but they need to get done. I've never painting...

White hot plasma ..

 Last night I started building up some of the infantry. I worked on the second Mor Deythan squad, they are going to run Plasma heavy. This MD squad will have one round of some heavy fire, the four MD have Combi Plasma and the Shade has a full Plasma Gun. The MD...

Get to the nurse

 It was a hectic weekend and though I did get a lot of other stuff done there wasn't a lot of painting finished. I've been working on a Space Hulk setup. I've got most of the corridors mostly done and wanted to make up something you'd walk to haha.. so finished...