Care Worn..

 The Las coil glow is no more.. If I wasn't going for a more realistic look I think it would have been fine but I don't think it would have looked right as a whole. I don't think it was terrible I just don't know if I could have been ok with it haha.. I like it...

Charging up..

 This weekend was busy so didn't get as far as I would have liked but I did make some progress... or did I? I did I guess but some of it I don't know how I'm feeling about it. I started on the lights and did a little more work on the rear exhaust section which I...

Treads over bones..

 Progress..  The past two nights I've been working on the Land Raider. I got hit with a brutal version of the Flu and was pretty much destroyed on Tuesday but I have slowly been feeling better. My stomach still isn't right but it's better then it was. I've...

Patience and perseverance

 The Mor Deythan are wrapped up. I weathered p the rest of the squad and toned down some of the areas I thought were a little too bright. For me I always seem to see things that need to be fix from pictures.. resets the perspective. I broke out the light box to...

Footslog a mile in my boots..

 This weekend I got a good bit of work done on the Mor Deythan squad and while they aren't done they are moving close to finished. The MD squads are all about blending and stealth .. in some of the books they talk about the MD sitting in place not moving and just...