You can be my wing man any day!..

 Look.. some wings. I've been pretty busy as of late so I haven't had a lot of extra time to hit the painting table but yesterday I did squeeze in an hour or so. I've been working on the Fire Raptor. I thought was done cleaning up some flashing but as I worked on...

I’m not complete

 I got a little more work done on the Dark Fury. Sadly I contracted some horrible Flu type bug this weekend and was pretty wrecked so didn't get as much as I would have liked done. I got a nice start on the claws though and they need a little recess and highlight...

A rapping at my Chamber Door

 Hey everyone ... I got a little more work done on the first Raven Guard Fury squad. I want them to have a matte look as they are supposed to be all about stealth so didn't want to go really heavy with highlights. This is still pretty rough as I'm trying to...

It’s Alive! It’s Alive!!!

 Hey all... I'm alive and this is a new post... surprise! It's been a few months .. during the holidays I'm pretty slammed so I haven't had much extra hobby time but it's been a nice break. When I take a break it's pretty complete, I don't check up on info or...

From three you can blend them all?

 During NOVA I took Roman's blending class and in that blending class we worked from only the Primary colors.. well White and Black as well 8) He said he mainly paints with only the Primary on all his work and that the colors you buy are just blended which you...