On Point

 This weekend I got some work done on the Dusk Wold Recon Squad..  I really like the look of these guys. It might not look like a lot but beside cleaning them off and figure out the combo I was based them up. I wanted them to be scared up and worn. I...

Some extras..

 I finished up a few more pieces to the Gantry System, I wanted to have multiple levels so I created 3" supports and steps. I think it has a pretty nice look and I have a few more ideas I'm going to add in.Through up the new Dusk Wolf up there 8) My...

Through the Muck and Mire

 It's been a hectic week but I did get the new Dusk Wolf test model wrapped up. I could have done more but since I had already started adding the muck it would be tougher to go back in. I think he came out looking pretty cool. The final models I might blend the...

You talking to me?

 While the Dusk Wolf test was drying I worked a little more on the Wraithblade. I've been working on him here and there for awhile. I've been working on the brush blending on his and I think he is looking pretty cool so far. I want him to have a little OSL glow...

Wash Me

 I got a little more work done on the new Dusk Wolf I've been playing around with. I added in some more of the much and some minor details like the chest, shoulders and seals. As I'm getting him closer to done I really which I would have painted him up fully then...