Black Maria Designs

No DreadTober updates today but I've been busy.. Sean from ( and I have started a Laser Cutting business. We are currently working on designs and should have them up on out site soon. We'll be selling Terrain, Paint Racks, Templates and...

DreadTober: Basetober!

 This weekend was super busy and like I had mentioned in some comments I knew my month was going to start getting very hectic. Our new Laser Cutter came in so it's been a lot of setup and design. I'll be posting more about that shortly.... but.... this about...

DreadTober: Pumpkans

 Good Friday all..  I got a little more work done on ruined turret. I added the red and the numbers to the turret. It started out as 31, for Halloween and the whole Oct/Dread Tober. As I scratched it off the three kinda morphed into a 2 haha.. At some angles...

DreadTober: A bit o dis and dat

 A bit more progress on the DT Kan... his arms are just sitting there.. not attached yet 8) I've been pretty busy so I haven't been able to knock out a ton but started adding other bits of metals in there. Some Copper, Brass and Chrome and I think it's adding...

DreadTober: Shiney and Chrome

 This weekend I didn't get a ton of work in but I did get base Metallic paint on there and some weathering in the form of grime. I don't want to make the Orky walker super rusty, there will be a little bit on them but I want them to be more greasy and...